Gazillion Bubble Show

For my father in law’s Birthday last year, we gave him the choice to attend Kayleigh’s 1st off-Broadway show or any other show (without Kayleigh) of his picking. He choose to join us at the Gazillion Bubble Show in NYC at the New World Stage Theater. It’s an hour show, geared for kids of all ages – what kid doesn’t love bubbles?!

I purchased the tickets on Groupon and we had great seats about 5 rows back from the stage. (We bought Kayleigh her own seat, although she spent most of the show on my lap. Officially, kids 2 and under don’t require a full-price ticket, you can purchase a lap seat ticket for $20 cash at the box office). The show is led by one of 5 performers (all members of one family) and consists of a demonstration of all types of crazy bubbles, some filled with smoke, that the performer blows into the audience. Then comes some audience participation where kids are invited onstage and put in a giant bubble. Then of course, thousands of bubbles are blown into the audience. The show concludes with a laser show, in all honesty – this part could be omitted, it feels like they’re just trying to fill the hour.

We have never seen Kayleigh so excited – at times she couldn’t express her emotions and just screamed with joy. The atmosphere of the show is very relaxed, perfect for an audience filled with kids. However, they do ask that kids stay in the seats, as the floor gets slippery from all of the popped bubbles.


Kayleigh enjoyed the show so much, we wanted to go back with our friends from Boston and their daughter who is right around Kayleigh’s age. We splurged this time and bought front row tickets for the girls and the moms, the dads sat right behind us. The girls loved having a front row seat, until the bubbles came flying into the audience, right into their faces. Kayleigh’s friends hid in her mom’s lap for this part, while Kayleigh thought it was hysterical to try to catch the bubbles with her tongue, crazy girl. At the end of the show, we paid the $20 to have the girls picture taken inside a giant bubble. The picture opportunity is offered immediately before and after the show. Each copy of the picture is $20, so we only bought one, but they’ll send you a digital copy via email for no additional charge.


Overall, the Gazillion Bubble Show was a fantastic experience for Kayleigh’s first off-Broadway experience. Being only a hour, her attention was held the entire time, although we did feed her some snacks during the show (drinks and snacks are sold before the show starts, but you’re able to bring your own in as well). Strollers are checked for $1 downstairs.

Anyone have any other recommendations for great kids shows in the NYC area? We also saw Disney on Ice this year, which Kayleigh thoroughly enjoyed, but it didn’t have the same effect as the Bubble Show. Maybe if it was all Frozen and not four different Disney stories!